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Product Overview

Triaged Data Display (TDD), formerly known as RAPID, is a successfully tested technology that can help YOU!


Think about YOUR critical information: where is it? Then, after you find it, has the critical problem been addressed? Current software system structure is often complex, and finding where critical information resides can be difficult.

In medicine, avoidable patient injuries and deaths unfortunately occur, in part because of test results that are not recognized and not acted upon quickly enough. There is no simple way to establish that problem X has been taken care of by nurse practitioner Jones, whereas problem Y is still pending solution.

The format TDD uses to present information to users has been shown in a

peer-reviewed publication to be superior to leading reporting platforms.

view pdf of publication

TDD is currently being implemented at Guthrie Clinic in Pennsylvania through an interface to EPIC health record system.

TDD at Work

TDD provides a triaged display representing ALL reports, highlighting the ones with critical results on a single screen. TDD then enables triage of the report to a designated team member.

The critical report remains on the primary display and it is identified as triaged but not resolved. Only when the underlying problem noted in the report is resolved, then the critical designation is removed. Additionally, TDD is always SINGLE SCREEN.

TDD at Work

The placement of the cursor over the small circle with the number ‘‘3” (critical hematology) displays the first report (‘‘top of the stack”) on the right. The report remains at the top of the stack or queue until a click signs off the report, or the report is triaged to the triage partner for “Action Needed”. The next report in that data category queue appears on the right of the screen.

This is an example of TDD showing 200 unacknowledged reports, limited to laboratory results, for this survey. The reports are first divided into 11 categories arrayed at fixed locations around a circle. Within each category the reports are then partitioned into critical reports enumerated in a small circle lying outside the larger circle and connected by a line to a small circle on the circumference with the partitioned, corresponding non-critical reports. With most EHR (Electronic Health Record) systems, 2 prior lab reports of the same type are included in TDD.

Single Screen Interface

TDD has a constant display format for all the data of a single patient, multiple patients, or even multiple practices. These 3 different scenarios are illustrated to the right. The constant TDD view at the top of the stack (Figure at top) enumerates and represents all the reports within the underlying queue.


The display of 4 reports of a single individual is in the left column. The display of 112 reports for a single practice is in the center column. The display of 12,979 reports from multiple practices is in the right column. The increasing height and grey scale of the cylinders reflects the increasing data density going from left to right. The reports are understood to be in a virtual ‘‘stack.”

Constant Display Format

Single Screen Interface
Content Display Format

Critical reports are acknowledged immediately by the responsible practitioner or provider. Non-critical reports are acknowledged

routinely by the provider or triaged to other members of the health-care team (the current version of TDD has a novel, inherent triage function). The criteria that define critical information can be adapted by the user, and includes a fixed magnitude change in value from a prior result.


TDD Improves Workflow in Medical Data Management

The criteria that define critical information can be adapted by the user, and includes a fixed magnitude change in value from a prior result. More specifically, TDD users can customize critical settings, critical categories, critical magnitude of value change (e.g. hemoglobin fell from prior values).

User-defined Critical Values and Categories

Figure 4

The critical report can either be:

       a) signed off immediately,

       b) action taken by provider (repeat test ordered then sign off), or

       c) referred to triage partner for action.


The triage partner takes the action needed and sends the report back to the provider for approval and sign off.

Report Triaging Features

Triaged Schematic

Let us adapt TDD to YOUR specific needs!

What defines a critical result in medicine is often a very abnormal numeric value. For other users, it might be module completion of a complex project. For example, a major corporation was recently implementing a total software change in Human Relations (HR). Unfortunately the project was delayed because the payroll module implementation lagged implementation of the other modules.

In that scenario, TDD could display the set of modules around the circle with relevant categories. The project manager can then monitor task completion of the individual modules. As the component tasks within a module are submitted as complete, the project manager can confirm the module as finished and the number of remaining critical tasks in that module stack decreased by 1.


Let TDD help you get to higher efficiency with improved team communication,

and strengthen a GREAT TEAM SPIRIT in your group.

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© 2018 by Triaged Data Display, LLC

|Web Design by Mark Husbands|

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